April 28, 2013

Navy Cookout

Today Shannon and I hosted another cookout.  This time we hosted all Navy midshipmen.  The sad part is three of the midshipmen are seniors and will be graduating and commissioning very soon.  I guess the saying "bitter sweet" would fit here.  It's great to see them commissioning and getting the chance to serve their country, however I am sad because today was the last cookout I will have with them. We had a great time playing Wii disc golf while eating burgers, and hot dogs.

April 21, 2013

Army cookout

Today Shannon and I had a couple of students from the Army ROTC.  We had a great time fellowshipping, playing cornhole, and eating burgers and dogs.  We couldn't have asked for better weather.  I am hoping that God is working through this time spent with these students to help open the door  for more cookouts, and ultimately to build relationships among the ROTC cadets.

Demonstration of Faith

Today was an exciting day!  I have been working with a student all school year.  We met this time last year, and over the course of this year she has come to faith in Jesus, and groing closer and closer to God.  A few weeks ago, we approached each other in order to talk about baptism.  I say we approached each other, because she approached me, and I approached her about baptism.  She was wanting to know what baptism is all about and if she should be baptized. We discussed baptism, and if it would be appropriate for her to be baptised. Well, today April 21, 2013 she WAS BAPTIZED.  I celebrate with her and her family and friends, rejoicing in the Lord!

March 7, 2013

Air Force PT

Today I was invited to PT with the Air Force cadets for the first time! It was a great experience.  It's funny how all the young cadets made me feel soo old! We did sprints, and naturally they passed me. Looks like it's time to focus on more running in my workouts. I am looking forward to continuing to PTing with the Air Force cadets.

March 5, 2013

Shine like stars in the sky

In the Bible study I lead on Tuesday nights we have been studying the book of Philippians. Tonight we studied ch. 2. One thing (out of many) that caught my attention was in v. 14.  It talks about not grumbling or arguing.  Something that is intriguing to me is that Paul gives us a reason why we shouldn't "grumble or argue." In v. 15, SO THAT you may become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation." Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.

So, that being said, that is my prayer for myself.


     Help me not to complain, argue, or grumble in my day to day life activities.  Help me to be humble, help me be able to shine like the stars to this generation.  Help me be able to bring people closer to you, and not drive them further away. Amen

February 24, 2013

New Bible study

This past Tuesday in my Bible study I decided to start reading in Philippians.  I noticed there was  a trend among the students that expressed a desire to read in that particular book, therefore I decided we ought to read it as a group.  This is a new approach for me. We began by reading through the whole book together, and then asking what stood out to each of us. It's amazing to see how each student expressed something different that resonated with each of them.  I am looking forward to this study, and seeing students reaction how a book that was written over 2000 yrs. ago till applies to today. I'm strapping on my "seat belt" it's gonna be an awesome ride!

February 12, 2013

A few epiphanies this morning

Today one of the college students that I meet with on a weekly basis asked if we could read the book of Philippians together. That being said,  we started reading the book of Philippians.  It's interesting to see how the Holy Spirit works, and to see how people react when reading God's word, and noticing how it applies to their lives.