
Some of us are called to “Go” and others of us are called to “Send”. You can partner with us through prayer, financial support or both. At the present moment, we are currently raising our support. This will remain until we are able to become fully funded, upon which time we will be able to draw a monthly salary. Becoming fully funded will allow us to focus completely on furthering God’s Kingdom, and placing all our time and attention on the students we are ministering to.

Financial Support:
To pay online, please visit:
You will need the following information:
Name: Ben and Shannon Smith
Staff ID: 23805153

To send a check:
Due to IRS Regulations and tax deductibility issues, please make checks out to “The Navigators”
Write in the memo line: “Ben and Shannon Smith, ID #23805153”

You can send checks to:
The Navigators
Accounting Process Center
PO Box 6000
Colorado Springs, CO 80934-6000

To pay by phone, please call
(719) 594-2327 or (866) 568-7827 (toll-free)

Prayer Support Team:
If you would like to receive emails as part of our Prayer Support Team, please send an email to:

If you are partnering with us in any way, please let us know so we can thank you each personally.

Thank you and God Bless!