Testimony (Shannon)

I grew up going to church starting at a young age, because my parents wanted my brothers and me to have exposure so we could make a “well informed decision” later in life on our faith/religion. When I was in the 5th grade, we stopped going because of some unrest in the church, and I did not go again until I begged my mom to take me once again when I was in the 8th grade, because I felt like something was missing from my life. Upon entering high school, I heard about the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), and was invited to go with a friend. Through FCA, I began to study the Bible and learn about God’s love and forgiveness. On June 17, 1999, while attending FCA camp, I committed my life to Christ.

After committing my life to Christ, I returned home and back to school a different person. The problem that I encountered; however, was that I did not know what this “new” life meant. I did not have anyone to come alongside me and guide me in what truly living a Christian life meant. During college, I realized that I did not have a solid foundation in Christ, and began to waiver at every trial that came my way. Eventually, I was living a life contrary to God’s teaching.
I went through a very dark period in my life and found myself not only running from God, but hating His very existence. During this time, I was deployed to Iraq for 9 months in which I had to deal with the death of someone who worked for me, upon returning from Iraq I was facing a divorce, and lost my 15-month old niece to cancer. I blamed all of it on God, and wanted nothing more than to run and hide from everything.

It was during this time of struggle that God brought Benjamin, my amazing husband, into my life, and showed me what love and forgiveness truly is. In the course of my relationship with Benjamin, he was a model for me in the ways of trust and forgiveness. He helped me to break down the walls that I built so high, and I know that through Benjamin God was teaching me trust, not only for other people, but more importantly God Himself. In my interactions with Benjamin, God was showing that me there was never a point where I was left alone…even in the times that I thought I was running from God and that He could not find me, He was always by my side. Benjamin modeled for me what true forgiveness is, not only for others, but more importantly for myself. Christ began to show me that even though I am a sinner, through repentance and a personal relationship with Him, I am forgiven.

I had my first introduction to The Navigators when Benjamin introduced me to a Navigator rep working at NC State University. Through the guidance and truth that he and his wife showed me, I have been able to become the woman of God that I am today. I turned from the hardness that overcame my heart and ran back to Christ with open arms. I have repented, and continue to repent, of the sins that I have in my life, and have come to realize that trials are going to come and it is through them that I can truly honor and glorify God.

I know that God is calling me to be a suitable helper for Benjamin as he steps into his role with The Navigators. I love my calling of being a wife, mother, suitable helper, supporter, and constant love for my husband and family.