June 26, 2011

Does God provide?

So, the question before the house is: Does God provide?  If someone believes that God is calling them to vocational misinsty will God provide for them, and make it abundantly clear that He is calling you?
     I have to believe He does!  According to Phil. 4:19 and James 1:17, God will provide everything I need.  Allow me to place this in context.
     Shannon and I, and now Jacob (our 6 week old baby boy), have stepped out on faith and moved to Carrboro,  NC.  We moved because we felt as if we, more specifically myself, have been called into vocational ministry.  Why Carrboro?  Well, after much prayer and counsel we felt as if Carrboro would be the best place to receive the training I need for vocational ministry. So, Shannon and I uprooted ourselves from North Raleigh and moved (with a newborn) to Carrboro, not having a job, and going through the stress of moving, and having at that time a three week old baby.  We essentially stepped out on faith that God was going to provide a job for me, and that He has called us to this area in order to expand His Kingdom. So, I am happy to report that I have found a job with the company that owns the apartments where we live!  It was quite interesting actually how God supplied this job for me. Shannon and I struck up a conversation with the gentleman that leased our apartment, and soon found out that he was leaving his position to return to school to pursue his Master's degree in Accounting.  My eyebrows raised, and I asked him if his manager was working, and naturally she was, so next thing you know I was applying online for his position and now I have a job!  Praise God! Not only do I have a job, but I also receive a discount on our rent. How awesome is that! I am able to walk to work, which saves on gas, and we have a discount on rent which is a huge help.

This is just the tip of the iceberg my friends of how God has provided for Shannon, Jacob and me.  I am excited to see how He will continue to show His mercy, and His grace in our lives and then be able to share with everyone how awesome He is!