March 7, 2013

Air Force PT

Today I was invited to PT with the Air Force cadets for the first time! It was a great experience.  It's funny how all the young cadets made me feel soo old! We did sprints, and naturally they passed me. Looks like it's time to focus on more running in my workouts. I am looking forward to continuing to PTing with the Air Force cadets.

March 5, 2013

Shine like stars in the sky

In the Bible study I lead on Tuesday nights we have been studying the book of Philippians. Tonight we studied ch. 2. One thing (out of many) that caught my attention was in v. 14.  It talks about not grumbling or arguing.  Something that is intriguing to me is that Paul gives us a reason why we shouldn't "grumble or argue." In v. 15, SO THAT you may become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation." Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.

So, that being said, that is my prayer for myself.


     Help me not to complain, argue, or grumble in my day to day life activities.  Help me to be humble, help me be able to shine like the stars to this generation.  Help me be able to bring people closer to you, and not drive them further away. Amen