April 12, 2012

God works in amazing ways!

Just wanted to give you all an update on how things have been going with our ministry. First, thank you all for your continued prayers!
I am excited to update you on this past week's events. Last Thursday, I had the privilege of meeting with 2 seniors (Jeff and Kyle) from the Naval ROTC department who are currently leading a Bible study. Jeff and Kyle will be graduating in May, and will be commissioning into the US armed forces and will be leaving the area shortly thereafter. They were excited to meet someone who is willing to dedicate themselves to the spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth of the ROTC students who will still be at UNC-CH after they graduate. They were kind enough to invite me to their current Bible study last night on campus. I was able to meet several other ROTC students who have a passion for learning and growing closer to God. I was blown away by the depth and interest to learn about God's wisdom (last night's topical discussion).
After the study, I was able to talk to Jeff and Kyle about how they saw my future involvement with the Bible study. To my surprise, they informed me that they would like for me to take over the study once they graduate! They said I was an answer to their prayers since they had been seeking someone to take over the study, and provide continuity for the ROTC students for years to come. God works in amazing ways! This is an answered prayer, because this now gives me a minimum of 7-10 students already thirsty and hungry for God. This is also a "foot in the door" to the ROTC unit and the possible beginnings of a Navigator ministry!
Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for my ability to relate, encourage and disciple these students. Through these relationships that I am currently developing and fostering, please pray for me to be able to reach even more students.
In Him Alone!
Ben and Shannon Smith

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